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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blog Crtitique #2

The second blog that i have checked out was Ambers, and i have to say i was surprised when i saw how good it looks. It was very well organized the set up of the whole blog was just great. The picture , colors, and videos were well choose. Her blogs were also well written. I can tell that she put some time in this blog. She was also up to date with her work. Keep up the good work .

Friday, April 9, 2010


Journeys from PADS to HOPE assists men, women, and families in northwest suburban Cook County who have become or are at risk of becoming homeless. Focusing on intervention and prevention, the HOPE Day Center offers guests and clients mental health support, job counseling and referrals, and help in securing a permanent residence. The mission of Journeys from PADS to HOPE is to individually assess and serve the homeless and near homeless, while broadening community awareness and involvement with the homeless.



•Mental health counseling 

•Vocational counseling

•Substance abuse counseling

•Employee training program

•Case Management

•Outreach services

•Housing assistance

•Nursing visits

•Transportation assistance

•Referrals to pro-bono doctors, dentist, and lawyers

•Clothing closet

•Travel vouchers

•Laundry facilities

•Bedding and tents

•Voicemail and mailbox




•Health/ personal care

On the march 20th I and MIchael had  a two hour mandatory training for all new PADS and HOPE Center volunteers. The training was held at Journeys in Palatine. The agency trainings focus on the agency’s organizational structure, how to interact with the   homeless, and on general volunteer opportunities at the PADS sites. We volunteered on two days on March 21, which was the Sunday at Christ Lutheran Church and on March 25, Thursday at Willow Creek Community Church. At both places we worked in two shifts which were set up shift from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm and first  shift that was from 6:30 pm to 11:30 pm . In set up shifts we got the sleeping area ready,  which included setting up the pads and linens. The other people in the mean time were receiving food donation from different organizations and communities. When we were  done with setting up sleeping area , we helped with preparing serving area and registration desk,setting up facility, and setting up dining area . When we were done we pretty much started our first shift rite a way. Prepared food was provided as assigned to homeless people. As the guest  were coming couple other people were registering hem by the register desk. They needed to provide us  with main information their name , age, gender. Me and Michael were assisted with serving dinner where on  Thursday they had can peaches, spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread, cookies, and some  fruit at the end, and on Sunday they had frozen prepackaged food that contained piece of chicken rice vegetables, they also got bread  sweets and fruit salads. After assisting with food we made some time to  welcome guests. I had spoken with couple of guests and it made me realize how hard it gets on the streets. I talked to 60 year old guy that’s been homeless for what he said  since he was a teenager, which was when he came back from the army. At  the training we was told not to ask any personal stuff, because the guest can get really upset and cause  scene in some cases. So I just did not ask them to many personal questions, but on the other hand tried  joking around with them and introducing my self. Some of them talked about their life but some didn't What really got me is that even tho they live on the streets and their lives are harsh  but they are still  cheerful and thankful even tho they had nothing. By listening to their stories, and having a chance to  talked to them in a way I found that i can be my self around them.  After making guest feel welcome and shared some stories with them , we had to then monitor all areas and secure door around 9 a clock, if someone wanted to go out for a smoke or fresh air we had to go out with them , and in this case only male volunteers were able to go out with guests. Then later on we cleaned up and helped around with sorting the food until the next shift didn't come until 11 :30. This was really a great thing to do and I am  planning to go there back again and help them out. I felt much better after doing this. It feels good to have an ability of putting a smile on someone's face by giving them food and other minor needs . 




Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Greater Chicago Food Depository: Hunger in America 2010

Greater Chicago Food Depository: Hunger in America 2010  
February 2, 20100

By reading thin article i can clearly get from it that crises that we are in has affected our lives a lot. Economic crises is affecting many peoples economically  but  most importantly psychologically. People are loosing their jobs on daily bases. A lot of people are having hard time figuring out what to do in situation like that. It hard to do thing with out having any income or such a minimum income that government provides people that are in those situations. People are constantly loosing their homes and in some cases families to.  Landmark study that was released on February 2 provides us with fact of how many people are receiving emergency food every year in Chicago Cook County. 678,800 people including 250,000 are getting emergency food , and this is a huge increase comparing to 2006, it went up by 36 precent. Times are getting tough every day, and the number is increasing. People are in need of a better life at least to have food on their table. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The movie Streetwise is a documentary film that follows several runaway youth in the 1980s living on the streets of Seattle. Most are no older than 16, but already have made careers for themselves as pimps and prostitutes, thieves and muggers, panhandlers and dumpster divers, and doing what they can to survive.

It's fascinating to watch the teens Tonya, Munchkin, Shadow,  as they live their lives dumpster diving, turning tricks and hustling on the streets of Seattle. You watch them in their day to day lives dealing with living in abandoned motels, parents who honestly don't care that they're prostituting, and dealing with the violence of pimps and venerial disease.
So do to all these different issues that were raised in the film I had found this film a lil disturbing. All the things they went thru as teenagers, i could not really imagine what would this be like to go thru. 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Blog Crtitique #1

The blog that I have checked out and found really interesting and well done was Dinos.
His whole blog was really well done and well organized , but I have specifically looked at the information about his action project that him and his group did , and i found it very good. He gives us very good details of what was going on and how they handled their group project.
Also his other blogs are all well written and really informative I really enjoyed his blog , well done.

Friday, April 2, 2010


One of the assignments that we had to do and that I found really interesting was to read a book called Nickel and Dimed. This is a book that talks about unpleasant and awkward economic realities that are going on in America. Ehrenreich decides to work in a low paying jobs in order to show America how difficult is to survive and live a some what of a normal life off minimum wage jobs. She points out that 60 % of the America work force makes less than 10 $ an hour, probably closer to 7$. Which means that tens of millions of American toil at soul destroying jobs that pay a pittance so that middle and upper classes can live in comfort, and not have to worry about work that keeps this unequal society afloat. Her investigation of the world of dead-end work in Florida, Maine, and Minnesota is exceedingly courageous, morally and politically profound, and beautifully articulated. What is interesting are the jobs that were taken, a house cleaning person, Wal-Mart, and being a waitress. It was impossible for her to make ends meet on those incomes. Not that she did not try, but the numbers did not work out, they cannot work out, they will never work out until we as a society work out the cost of living here. Probably the most stunning was the housekeeper story, that one has the most impact of all the stories. That alone makes you realize how hard it can be for people to empathize with each other, you can just see the look on the person's face who is complaining about the service, when the service was excellent.

She use to get $2.43 and hour and plus the tips that she received , and the customers would not tip her well. The minimum wage at this present time in Florida was $7.25 an hour according to The working class experience incredible and some times inhuman circumstances just to survive. This book shows some of the terrible working conditions and the result of them in most of those workers. It shows also how the same system is designed, from my view it is not to help and assist these people. One dollar to upper class people might mean almost nothing, but for the working poor it means a whole lot more.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Seccombe , Chapter 5

After reading the chapter five of Seccombe, I strongly agree the statement she made that living and surviving welfare touches all aspects of a person's life and not just the economic realm. She discusses about interviews about Jana, and how sometimes she does not make it on just food stamps, which to me is totally understandable and can see many reasons of why not. We are all in various social standings and sadly a lot of inequalities.

For Jana day to day living and decision making its hard and a continuous battle for her. Even thou the food stamps and the money that she receives from welfare is not enough she is still grateful that she even has that. By being on welfare for a big number of people it affects them emotionally. Its hard not to be able to put a food on table for yourself and loved ones, and to worry if u going to survive or not. Working poor class face and deal with many day to day decisions that affect them. It’s a little easier for those that are single and don’t have kids, but of course it just gets harder and more difficult for those who have kids. Making decisions based on their income can cause many of people that are on welfare to be depressed.

Secoombe provides us with a lot of good examples to support her point. In this chapter a lot of good examples on how pearsons life can and is affected by economically struggles and welfare. By reading this chapter I realize how many impacts welfare really has on someone’s life. Its not easy leaving in a era where everything is available but there is shortage of money in many cases. People that are in poverty and struggles live a day to day life where they worry if they going to eat that day, while other in upper class worry which hundred thousand dollar car they going to buy. Living the life people do while on welfare is not easy even thou they are getting free money and food stamps, but the money they get can not help them a lot. It’s a minimum way of living throughout a day.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Seccombe , Chapter 4

In chapter four Seccombe discusses the welfare system and the way that is keeping some individuals who are on it from moving upward to a better economic status. The argument that she is trying to show us here is if the welfare system is making individuals in a way lazy, where as long as they are on welfare they don’t try as hard to find a job kind a take advantage of welfare, or discourages those individuals from working by taking the benefits away from them the minute the welfare system. To me welfare is offered to people of need, because today a lot of people need it do to our economy. Do to our economy crises and continuously rising of living expenses even the minimum wage is no longer providing decent living. People are loosing their jobs on daily bases so they need that welfare to have some real sours of income to survive. I think need for welfare these days is needed badly for a lot of families, seniors, people with health issues , and anyone else who is not able to be able to provides basic needs to live. Therefore, I really don’t think that welfare is making other people lazy in any way. I believe that everyone would like a decent job that pays well and guarantees food on the table by the end of the day. I think the system is what needs to be changed where people are going to have a job that pays them enough to live , and where they going to have healthcare.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

National Runaway Switchboard

On Thursday March 18th we had a speaker in class that have talked about National Runaway Switchboard . Their mission is to help keep United States runaways at risk youth safe and keep them of the streets. National Runaway Switchboard is just a referring program, they are there to talk to you and offer you help , like finding  safe place to sleep. Their main point is for the runaway to open open to them, to find out as much information as possible and to try to calm them down.
The speaker was pretty interesting when she was presenting the material. She had us do couple of different worksheets that i thought were also interesting and helpful to understand some stuff better. She also showed as an old movie that represents National Runaway Switchboard, it was a bit out dated but was still interesting to see how this kids are trying to figure out a way to survive on the streets. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blog Crtitique #2

The second blog that I have checked was from Jennifer. The blog was a bit different then the first one I looked it. There were no pictures or any videos on the page, it was pretty plain. Although it was plain but the blog eateries were well written. The blogs were easy to read and very well organized. The blog was very relevant to material that we are covering in class.Good job Jennifer.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog Crtitique #1

The first blog that I looked at was Iselas. I liked her layout a lot and it was well organized blog. All of her assignments were up to date and were very well written. Blogs are very easy to read, and they are all clearly marked with titles and dates. She had covered a lot of information on all assignments. The content of the blog was very relevant to the class. She did a good job on everything.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Poverty in the Philadelphia

Philadelphia has a population of 1.5 million people. As of now in Philadelphia 200,000 people live in poverty. Unemployment rate in Philadelphia is 7.2 % which is higher 1.5% then national rate. One in four people are at risk of hunger in Philadelphia. There are approximately 4000 homeless people on any given day,500 of those people living on the streets, and rest 3,500 men, women and children who live in shelters. Last year City's Office of Emergency Shelter and Services served 14,986 homeless people. Out of that number 9,468 were adults without children, 2,011 were heads of households and 3,507 were children. Children and families constitute approximately a third of the shelter population of any given night. Families entering shelters were single parent household, 86 % of these were female headed and 14% male headed.Approximately 20 % of the single individuals and 13 % of families are chronically homeless meaning that they are homeless for more then one year.



18 - 25 9%
26 - 45 49%
46 - 65 40%
65 + 3%

African Americans 80%
Latino/a 6%
White 13%
Asian 1%
Other 3%

The reason why I think any of the cities not just Philadelphia does not provide homeless people with enough, better and more comprehensive services is because its the minority that they have to deal with. I personally think that minority people are not taken seriously and that bigger and stronger parties don't care about the minority. Other reason is that the minority is usually people of color, Hispanics, and other people that came from other countries. If they were all white Americans, i don't think this would be an issue at all.